I need Beta Testers...

Error message

  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int in element_children() (line 6595 of /var/www/pied-piper.ermarian.net/includes/common.inc).
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int in element_children() (line 6595 of /var/www/pied-piper.ermarian.net/includes/common.inc).
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int in element_children() (line 6595 of /var/www/pied-piper.ermarian.net/includes/common.inc).
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int in element_children() (line 6595 of /var/www/pied-piper.ermarian.net/includes/common.inc).
  • Deprecated function: implode(): Passing glue string after array is deprecated. Swap the parameters in drupal_get_feeds() (line 394 of /var/www/pied-piper.ermarian.net/includes/common.inc).
AuthorTopic: I need Beta Testers...
Member # 3698
Profile Homepage #0

In a couple of days, I will need beta testers for Mac OS X and 9, and Windows 98-XP.

I will let you know when I want you.

Be prepared.

[ Thursday, June 02, 2005 13:55: Message edited by: Tbg10101 ]

Hi. Why is the universe so BIG? Why am I human? How come hot dogs come in packages of 10 and buns 8? This will all be solved in time young padawan. Your quest for the ultimate Aztec manuer is coming to a climax. May the force be with you!!!
This is where I want you to click! Rate me! Ha Ha
Check out my GF 1, 2 and 3 Helper!
Ceck out some cool Mac OS X Apps that were made by me here!
10101 Software - You can take my iMac when you pry my cold, dead fingers off the wireless mouse!
Posts: 179 | Registered: Tuesday, November 18 2003 08:00
Member # 3040
Profile #1
For what, exactly?

Posts: 508 | Registered: Thursday, May 29 2003 07:00
Member # 3698
Profile Homepage #2
I made an app called iTimer and it is a timer and clock.

Check for:

This is a free program.

Also- I have eliminated Linux and Windows 95

[ Thursday, June 02, 2005 13:53: Message edited by: Tbg10101 ]

Hi. Why is the universe so BIG? Why am I human? How come hot dogs come in packages of 10 and buns 8? This will all be solved in time young padawan. Your quest for the ultimate Aztec manuer is coming to a climax. May the force be with you!!!
This is where I want you to click! Rate me! Ha Ha
Check out my GF 1, 2 and 3 Helper!
Ceck out some cool Mac OS X Apps that were made by me here!
10101 Software - You can take my iMac when you pry my cold, dead fingers off the wireless mouse!
Posts: 179 | Registered: Tuesday, November 18 2003 08:00
Member # 4614
Profile Homepage #3
Hmmm, speaking of time, this brings to mind some questions for programming, namely:

How to you get the computer, programming syntax wise preferrably in C++, to count, say, seconds or minutes or make a timer or periodically alternate between two tasks every second, etc.?

Sometimes you don't want everything to process and print on your screen instantly. ;)


For those who love to spam:
CSM Forums
Posts: 3360 | Registered: Friday, June 25 2004 07:00
Post Navel Trauma ^_^
Member # 67
Profile Homepage #4
I'd use usleep(), probably. Your libraries may vary, though, if you aren't using something POSIX-like.

Barcoorah: I even did it to a big dorset ram.

desperance.net - Don't follow this link
Posts: 1798 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
Profile Homepage #5
If it's nothing more complex than a timer, I'd volunteer to test it for Win XP...

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Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00
Member # 3698
Profile Homepage #6
OK, Anyone who wants to beta test LOOK HERE!

You can't give anyone the beta application.
You can't edit the program by your self.
Try to give the most detail about the problem when e-mailing me.
I will release updates for beta applications. Need to beta test those.


[ Friday, June 03, 2005 12:00: Message edited by: Tbg10101 ]

Hi. Why is the universe so BIG? Why am I human? How come hot dogs come in packages of 10 and buns 8? This will all be solved in time young padawan. Your quest for the ultimate Aztec manuer is coming to a climax. May the force be with you!!!
This is where I want you to click! Rate me! Ha Ha
Check out my GF 1, 2 and 3 Helper!
Ceck out some cool Mac OS X Apps that were made by me here!
10101 Software - You can take my iMac when you pry my cold, dead fingers off the wireless mouse!
Posts: 179 | Registered: Tuesday, November 18 2003 08:00
Member # 4614
Profile Homepage #7
How exactly does usleep() work?


For those who love to spam:
CSM Forums
Posts: 3360 | Registered: Friday, June 25 2004 07:00
Post Navel Trauma ^_^
Member # 67
Profile Homepage #8
usleep(x) pauses for x microseconds. If you're on Windows, I don't think you have it (but I might be wrong)

Barcoorah: I even did it to a big dorset ram.

desperance.net - Don't follow this link
Posts: 1798 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00
Member # 4614
Profile Homepage #9
Er, whatever. It doesn't seem to work, but I guess I'm not in dire need of it.


For those who love to spam:
CSM Forums
Posts: 3360 | Registered: Friday, June 25 2004 07:00
Member # 4663
Profile #10
You could also use sleep(x), x for seconds, just thought that could be mentionable.
Under windows, just launch a few applications and you will have a nice timer effect (along with some flashy blue screens if you are lucky).

Posts: 4 | Registered: Sunday, July 4 2004 07:00
Member # 3698
Profile Homepage #11
hem, hem.

Not to be rude, but, if you want to discuss 'usleep()' then start your own topic. I just don't want this one to get clogged. :(

Thx :)

Hi. Why is the universe so BIG? Why am I human? How come hot dogs come in packages of 10 and buns 8? This will all be solved in time young padawan. Your quest for the ultimate Aztec manuer is coming to a climax. May the force be with you!!!
This is where I want you to click! Rate me! Ha Ha
Check out my GF 1, 2 and 3 Helper!
Ceck out some cool Mac OS X Apps that were made by me here!
10101 Software - You can take my iMac when you pry my cold, dead fingers off the wireless mouse!
Posts: 179 | Registered: Tuesday, November 18 2003 08:00
By Committee
Member # 4233
Profile #12
They can use this topic for that discussion if they like - especially considering you're using beta-testers from this site for your own non-Spidweb-oriented commercial purposes.
Posts: 2242 | Registered: Saturday, April 10 2004 07:00
This Side Towards Enemy
Member # 3098
Profile #13
Aside from which it has 12 posts. It's hardly clogged. I'm sure Alec and I could demonstrate clogging, but that would hardly be neighbourly and there are about 70 examples over in RWG.

Voice of Reasonable Morality
Posts: 961 | Registered: Thursday, June 12 2003 07:00