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Do I need a registration code? in General
Member # 2080
Profile #1
The games on CD shouldn't require the input of a registration code...

However, you may need to elaborate more on what precisely the problem(screen shots of the problem are quite helpful)

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Legends of Divinity OOC in General
Member # 2080
Profile #144
That is true. And paralyzing a god's a bit much(edit: and was completely unnecessary, everyone's entitled to their drawn out monologues. seriously, look at James, he never shuts up), fortunately, for you, that... nevermind. You'll see eventually.

Anyway. As best as I can tell, James, Geltor, Noric, Seoth, and, for now, Cassius are just outside of Kirkwood.

[ Tuesday, April 24, 2007 16:25: Message edited by: Gaara of the Funk ]

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Deathmatch Tournament -- Preliminary Nominations in General
Member # 2080
Profile #25
Originally written by Stopstop the Memec:

Also, who is Lone Flame?
Wow... Just wow... You've been on the forums longer than Lone Flame, yet you do not know the name....

Well, Lone Flame is the most wonderful person in the world. Yeah... I can't even write that without laughing.

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Legends of Divinity OOC in General
Member # 2080
Profile #141
Yep, regardless of the outcome, I know it will be interesting.

For the record: Demon Lord, Demon God... meh, minor details. Demon Gods are over-rated.

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Legends of Divinity OOC in General
Member # 2080
Profile #139
Well, to sum it up, vampire lord *what's-his-name* is dead, James is trying to go toe-to-toe with demon lord Ali G... er, Geltor, and trying to ensure he doesn't get positioned to be back-stabbed in the process.

That fight, if I have my way, won't end very soon, but will make up for the wait by being really cool.

And I'm not %100 sure what it is exactly the other deities are doing, except something about Fourty going off to some refugee camps and another deity(I forget who) is researching some stuff about deities... or something like that.

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Deathmatch Tournament -- Preliminary Nominations in General
Member # 2080
Profile #18
Originally written by Ephesos:

Nalyd, you can't nominate yourself.

Not true.

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Legends of Divinity IC in General
Member # 2080
Profile #65
"Well, you've had your speech to them, now it's time for my speech to you, the conceited fool," James said to Geltor casually, "You don't know what's really going on here, do you? You just move in an try to conquer without setting yourself up properly first, hoping to strike quickly and catch everyone off guard. Fine plan if you just going to destroy a small village or two. But that doesn't work on a global scale. Your few thousand, though powerful, aren't enough in the long run to achieve anything more than some petty carnage before they are struck down by more power beings. And you should know you won't walk away from this fight without paying a price, assuming you walk away at all, which I doubt you will. Regardless of the outcome of the fight, you're cause is pretty much wrecked. So no matter what, in a way, I still win, which is why I propose that we do this fight one on one, with my associate here *points to Noric* making sure it stays that way. Unless the all-mighty demon god is too weak to even consider facing me, in which case, I am more than willing to accept your surrender. So how do you want to handle this?" With his speech complete James reached into his jacket, pulled out a piece of gum, unwrapped it, and began chewing it. Then he placed his hand on his sword, waiting to see what happens.

[ Tuesday, April 24, 2007 13:30: Message edited by: Gaara of the Funk ]

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Legends of Divinity OOC in General
Member # 2080
Profile #137

I think that the 4 of us who are involved in the fight should thoroughly consult with each other via PM to make sure this fight ends decently and in a respectable(and cinematicly cool) way... or maybe even in a diplomatic way. Let's see what the discussions lead to.

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Deathmatch Tournament -- Preliminary Nominations in General
Member # 2080
Profile #16
Originally written by Mysterious Man:

What the? I don't get a reserved spot?
You'll get over yourself. Or die trying.

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
On-game image in General
Member # 2080
Profile #19
Originally written by Spent Salmon:

I read somewhere that you select the graphic using Alt-V, and then left click in the reply window then hit Alt-F4 to paste it.
It's about time someone finally answered a question with a simple, effective answer that actually gets the job done. Woot!

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Jeff Vogel's RPG hating rant in General
Member # 2080
Profile #22
Personally, I like 5's set up better than tactic's cheap knock-off. but both were better than 3's. Dear god that one sucks...

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
On-game image in General
Member # 2080
Profile #16
Rebel *whatever*, please answer a question for me; what is exactly that you do with your life?

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Deathmatch Tournament -- Preliminary Nominations in General
Member # 2080
Profile #2
I am somewhat offended to say the least... I nominate Lone Flame.

Edit: Because Lone Flame knows the secret art of Dancing Pseudo Kirby!!! Thus he is unstoppable... with exceptions being walls and closed doors.

[ Tuesday, April 24, 2007 08:19: Message edited by: Gaara of the Funk ]

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Legends of Divinity IC in General
Member # 2080
Profile #63
With 2 blinding flashes, Cassius and Seoth appeared before James. "I'm glad to see you took me up on my invitation," James said to the two, "For those unaware, my name is James. Like you, I am a god and for awhile, we even had the same enemy. I was going to use that to forge an alliance with Cassius *points to Cassius*, but a certain demon god had to go and get in my way. Now, I need to crush that demon and his army, but I can't do it alone. My friend Noric *points to Noric* has already agreed to help me. Seoth over here *points at Seoth* claims to know me, but I for the life of me don't remember him. I really don't care as long as you help me, since I legitimately was trying to help him out. Anyway. The point I'm trying to make is that there's a demon god. He's trying to take over the world, or some other generic villain crap like that. To do that means he's obviously going to end up killing off a bunch of my followers, so clearly I can't let that happen."

"Now," James continued, "you might be asking yourself 'But James, why the hell should I care?' and you're right, you probably might could just as easily side with him and make it out okay, provided you don't have to fight me and who-ever-the-hell I finally do get to help me or that he doesn't just flat out betray you at his convenience. Also, you could simply ignore situation and hope it doesn't become a problem for you, which it probably will. In all truth, the best thing for you to do is side with me. Unlike some petty 'demon god' I actually make my alliances worth being in. I do my part in outfitting everyone with the best stuff possible. I don't stab my allies in the back, though formal severing of ties isn't an impossibility. As a vampire, Cassius, you stand to lose a lot if your food source gets virtually wiped out by the demons. Seoth, well, I really don't know much about you, so I'm sure there's a reason in there for you, other than the obvious gaining of the kind of power than can only come from destroying a god. Well, I've said all I can. The rest is up to you, will you side with me, against me, or no one? And if you side against me, could you be kind enough to let me know here and now so I can make sure to not give you the complimentary beverages I promised you when I summoned you."

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Legends of Divinity OOC in General
Member # 2080
Profile #134
Originally written by Lord Safey:

how does your chacarter know I"m tryig to ally with cassuis?
It's called cheating. Get used to it. I'm just kidding... On a more related note, divination magics combined with divine insight, mixed a decent bit of intellect with some sprinkles of paranoia, let's him put 2 and 2 together. As far as James knows, there's no other reason for the demon to want the evil vampire lord out of the way. Having just had dealt with similar situations with another pantheon, on another plane, a few weeks ago, kinda helps too.

EDIT: Doesn't matter anyway, cause I've set up a few extra plot devices for future use. Btw. For the record, James is not above negotiating with the demon. It just doesn't make sense for a Demon God to even consider trying to forge an alliance with a freaking Love God, without that god actually having something to make it look like consideration of negotiations should even be thought of.

[ Tuesday, April 24, 2007 07:52: Message edited by: LF ]

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Jeff Vogel's RPG hating rant in General
Member # 2080
Profile #20
FF Tactics... Wow... Just wow. Popular game, but if you ever did have to lv grind on it, pull up a cot & a pillow and get comfortable, cause those fights took for-freaking-ever. Even longer than Fire Emblem's.

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
On-game image in General
Member # 2080
Profile #12
As my hatred for humanity grows...

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Legends of Divinity IC in General
Member # 2080
Profile #61
"Now this sucks," James suddenly shouted, "That... I mean, come on. I used to be good at this sort of thing. To be one-upped like that before I can even try to do anything. I don't have anymore time to waste..."

"What is it," Noric asked.

"That annoying demon has already crushed the vampire lord, and, to make things worse, is currently trying to steal one of our potential allies. I tell you Noric, it just doesn't pay to be a hero. Of course, we can't let that little insult go unpunished, or at the very least, I can't," James replied. Without further words, James began to draw various runes and symbols into the ground while muttering something in an obscure language. Within moments he was done. "Well, Noric," James said, "If they want to show up, they will. If not, then ya might want to let me know of something that makes for a fine Plan B, cause that's the last of my good ideas."

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Jeff Vogel's RPG hating rant in General
Member # 2080
Profile #11
Resident Evil 4, that was a game I was saddened by not getting to beat.

Another surprisingly good game for action was Saint's Row. Start off as tough as you'll always be. There isn't that much you really need as far as equipment is concerned. Sure, you had to do the sidequests(missions) to be allowed to advance the story, but a lot of those had nice comic relief in them, so they weren't as bad as just killing some rats or solving the over-tedious yet simple box puzzle.

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Legends of Divinity OOC in General
Member # 2080
Profile #131
Well, it would appear there's nothing I can do right now... Curse you RPing ethics!!! Oh well... I'm just being silly now.

EDIT: New master plan being hatched as I type this.
(>^.^)> <(^.^)> <(^.^<) (>^.^)> <(^.^)> <(^.^<) (>^.^)> <(^.^)> <(^.^<)Go pseudo Kirby. Dance like you've never danced before! MWUHAHA!!!

[ Monday, April 23, 2007 18:12: Message edited by: LF ]

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Legends of Divinity OOC in General
Member # 2080
Profile #127
Wow. Vampires as an immediate threat taken out already... Well *censored*. Looks like that means I'll have to do something else now and I was so looking forward to actually doing a legitimate fight too.

Quick recap. Who's playing who again?

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Legends of Divinity OOC in General
Member # 2080
Profile #113
On a side note, if anymore plot-holes & inconsistencies appear, I've got plenty of boards now to cover them up with...

Personally, I find the recent RP mishaps to be an opportunity, despite being a slight pain. Some of the best games come from the charred ruins of what could have been, because people came up with ways to turn a disaster into a gold-mine of rich storyline. I think we have that here. After the inevitable character developments and enrichments that will come from the chaos we endure, the possibilities for what can happen afterwards are almost endless. All we have to do is make it work.

[ Monday, April 23, 2007 10:34: Message edited by: LF ]

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Jeff Vogel's RPG hating rant in General
Member # 2080
Profile #4
I get it. I do. I played World of Warcraft(I refuse to use it's popularized abbreviation) and hated it because all it was was doing a bunch of retardo quests that make the Naruto D Missions look like something more meaningful than the illegal immigrant work they actually are. Fighting wave after wave of trivial bad-guys in the way games like Chatcraft do, is more boring than Diablo 2. Random encounters are the most annoying aspect of fantasy games and when the game only revolves them and several mediocre pseudo boss fights, while not really do much for plot, it's just not worth playing.

Edit: Woot for games with a good plot and decent game-play, though they aren't as numerous as they should be.

[ Monday, April 23, 2007 10:14: Message edited by: LF ]

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Legends of Divinity IC in General
Member # 2080
Profile #54
"Well, Noric," James responded, "That storm was done by a god as a direct result of being attacked, and subsequently dominated by, a powerful vampire lord. And this happened right in front of us. That power and willingness to use it, combined with the fact that this he hangs around this area, is what makes him an immediate threat to us. That's only the beginning. There's also a "demon god" to contend with after that. Once those 2 are out of the way, there's another major problem to deal with, but that's far enough off I don't have to worry you with it just yet. The first thing we need to do is find an individual known as Cassius, who's somewhere in the area. Not only is he a god, but he has a grudge against the vampire lord we need to take down."

"How do you know all of this," Noric asked.

"It's amazing the insight one can attain when a large number of followers you didn't even know you had pray to you at once," James replied, "It's a shame really. I was hoping to do as little as possible during my stay in this realm, but they need me to protect them. I owe them that much at least, just as you owe your followers the same. As all gods who are worth anything do. Let's go and show our enemies what we're made of."

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Legends of Divinity OOC in General
Member # 2080
Profile #110
To answer who got James followers:
I had originally intended him to not have any, but a couple of plot holes had to change that. Those characters who know enough about religion(or eventually come across it in a book or something), will note a deity by the name of James the Deity being briefly mentioned as a "cult religion, started by a mysterious woman, known only as Minoko. This James the Deity has never once actually made his presence known. In fact, many have speculated that James the Deity, which is an absurd name for a god, does not actually exist and was merely the figment of a lonely, crazy woman. Despite this, the religion has gained many more followers than the average crazy cult due to the freedoms it bestows on its followers."

Originally written by Lord Safey:

I may be the bad guy the question is am I the only bad guy.
Depends on what I end up having to do with James. He was content to not be a major player, but a minor plot hole or two had to filled, so thus he has to be one. So I dusted off the old character sheet, ignoring half of his divine powers, and calling him fit for this game.

Able to casually walk 90mph. capable of casting mid-lv magics, wielding the "Iron Death Sword," Crystal Katana that consumes the souls of its victims. Moles... er, benefactor of many(women). The Demonic God of Love himself, James the *******, er, Deity(Yeah, I don't know what the hell I was thinking when I originally made him).

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
