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Inevitability in Blades of Avernum
Member # 164
Profile Homepage #6
Originally written by Haamana the Homicider:

Last time I saw a scenario for it, all it contained was charging through hordes of undead with a gun.
wtf?! are you referring to my BoE/Arcade hybrid? gahh.

when i said expert, i meant expert on LotR--just to clarify.

[ Wednesday, January 28, 2004 16:34: Message edited by: Jenkins ]

Awesome BoA Graphics

AIM: Byzantine Jones
Posts: 635 | Registered: Monday, October 15 2001 07:00
Inevitability in Blades of Avernum
Member # 164
Profile Homepage #2
I wouldn't mind a LotR scenario... But it should only be done by an expert. Like... me (with help from my obsessed brother who chants "lord of the rrriinnnnggs" all day.)

Awesome BoA Graphics

AIM: Byzantine Jones
Posts: 635 | Registered: Monday, October 15 2001 07:00
Senario idea... in Blades of Avernum
Member # 164
Profile Homepage #8
Hey. That movie is fun! :)

Awesome BoA Graphics

AIM: Byzantine Jones
Posts: 635 | Registered: Monday, October 15 2001 07:00
On BoA... in Blades of Avernum
Member # 164
Profile Homepage #19
Dralgoth? Uh... I don't remember *THAT*... oh. Perhaps "Dranhelm" or something... though I didn't think I actually released that one. :P

Awesome BoA Graphics

AIM: Byzantine Jones
Posts: 635 | Registered: Monday, October 15 2001 07:00
Scenario Making in Blades of Avernum
Member # 164
Profile Homepage #11
Heh. That's good that cutscenes will be allowed. It will be a great replacement of the dialog boxes we had to use in BoE to describe a long sequence of events.

Awesome BoA Graphics

AIM: Byzantine Jones
Posts: 635 | Registered: Monday, October 15 2001 07:00
On BoA... in Blades of Avernum
Member # 164
Profile Homepage #17
I don't even know if my one miserable scenario got rated... It was my first scenario, and only released one. Do I count as a scenario designer? :P

Awesome BoA Graphics

AIM: Byzantine Jones
Posts: 635 | Registered: Monday, October 15 2001 07:00
Senario idea... in Blades of Avernum
Member # 164
Profile Homepage #5
Your mother is a hamster and your father smells of elderberries!

Awesome BoA Graphics

AIM: Byzantine Jones
Posts: 635 | Registered: Monday, October 15 2001 07:00
Developer's Update in Blades of Avernum
Member # 164
Profile Homepage #47
What's so screwed up about the new graphics setup?

Awesome BoA Graphics

AIM: Byzantine Jones
Posts: 635 | Registered: Monday, October 15 2001 07:00
On BoA... in Blades of Avernum
Member # 164
Profile Homepage #11
Well, there are certain scenarios which would be greatly enhanced by moving over to BoA... but some are great anyway and couldn't be improved all that much. New scenarios might give more people an incentive to buy the new game (if you're trying help to support Jeff Vogel, that is.)

I'm finding that I'm glad BoA isn't out yet, because I have time to sketch out my ideas and solidify them, instead of doing that in the middle of making a scenario. The anticipation heightens the pleasure... or is that sex?

Awesome BoA Graphics

AIM: Byzantine Jones
Posts: 635 | Registered: Monday, October 15 2001 07:00
idea for an annoying obstacle ... in Blades of Avernum
Member # 164
Profile Homepage #38
Oh, hello TM. I'm not as evil as I used to be... or maybe I'm more evil (depends on how you rate me...) I think you've blocked me on AOL--that, or you're never on anymore. Anywho...

If the novelty of the BoA can keep my attention long enough, I may be able to make a good scenario. I sure hope it does. I certainly have enough time right now.

Awesome BoA Graphics

AIM: Byzantine Jones
Posts: 635 | Registered: Monday, October 15 2001 07:00
FYI note at top of page... in Blades of Avernum
Member # 164
Profile Homepage #6
I just hope it's out before this year's end.

Awesome BoA Graphics

AIM: Byzantine Jones
Posts: 635 | Registered: Monday, October 15 2001 07:00
idea for an annoying obstacle ... in Blades of Avernum
Member # 164
Profile Homepage #36
Right. Like making brothels which would make all characters divine warriors in the morning so as to make people want to erm.. rest.

Awesome BoA Graphics

AIM: Byzantine Jones
Posts: 635 | Registered: Monday, October 15 2001 07:00
Fog in BoA in Blades of Avernum
Member # 164
Profile Homepage #10
So you can actually have translucent graphics as opposed to transparent graphics? If you can have translucent graphics, what would you have to specify in editor to make this work?

Awesome BoA Graphics

AIM: Byzantine Jones
Posts: 635 | Registered: Monday, October 15 2001 07:00
background-noises in Blades of Avernum
Member # 164
Profile Homepage #6
For sounds, will you actually be able to hear what you're putting in the town or will you have to load the scenario and go into that town, blah blah blah blah...?

A simple "Play Sound" button in the scenario editor would be WONDERFUL while making node sequences or towns... When you're trying to choose something, you don't have to go "Uh... was that sound 'Cool' or 'Priest'...?!?"

Ah well... If it's not there, it's too late. But if it is, I'd like to know.

[ Saturday, January 24, 2004 13:39: Message edited by: Jenkins ]

Awesome BoA Graphics

AIM: Byzantine Jones
Posts: 635 | Registered: Monday, October 15 2001 07:00
idea for an annoying obstacle ... in Blades of Avernum
Member # 164
Profile Homepage #34
It would be fairly simple to make food useful again. After a day has passed, a scenario timer checks the party's inventory for food; If they have no food, you'll get hurt a little, but it won't kill you. If, by the next day, you STILL don't have food, you'll be hurt more and enfeebled a bit until you eat again. By the next day you'd be cursed until your next meal, until a week has gone by and you're being hurt very often and you're seriously diseased.

Resting could be required once every few days or so... Requiring it more often might make it more of a chore than making it more real. Who knows, anyway. After you go without sleep for too long, you become slowed (until your next rest), then after more time, you'll become cursed, then after enough time you might chicken out in combat, or even spontaneously fall asleep.

I do hope BoA has a way for flags to be set or nodes to be called when you rest. If that isn't there, then we'd have to forget the whole resting thing, but at least we know we can implement the food idea.

Personally, I'm ready for the BoA editor. The scripting will be easy for me... I learned the BoE scenario editor the hard way, but I mastered it (though I have still to conquer my short attention span)... so hopefully that will carry over to the BoA editor.

Awesome BoA Graphics

AIM: Byzantine Jones
Posts: 635 | Registered: Monday, October 15 2001 07:00
Spidweb in PC Gamer in General
Member # 164
Profile Homepage #0
I got PC Gamer in the mail to day, and there was Geneforge 1 & 2 in an article! Hope this'll help spidweb out in the long run. And I also hope I'm not repeating a previous post. Even if I am, it's still cool to hear about spidweb from the outside world.

Being sexy isn't easy, but someone's got to do it.
Posts: 635 | Registered: Monday, October 15 2001 07:00
Major Overhaul on the Louvre in Blades of Avernum
Member # 164
Profile Homepage #7
that's a good idea... if BB could work that in, that is... unfortunately, graphics that get high ratings may be overused in scenarios... ah... i dunno... maybe it's not such a great idea.

Awesome BoA Graphics

AIM: Byzantine Jones
Posts: 635 | Registered: Monday, October 15 2001 07:00
Major Overhaul on the Louvre in Blades of Avernum
Member # 164
Profile Homepage #5
ahhh.... that looks much better--perhaps not as impressive, but it looks much cleaner. perhaps now people will make more graphics for it and not feel like their work is being drowned by the color-shifts. :)

Awesome BoA Graphics

AIM: Byzantine Jones
Posts: 635 | Registered: Monday, October 15 2001 07:00
Should color-edits be pulled from the Louvre? in Blades of Avernum
Member # 164
Profile Homepage #34

Awesome BoA Graphics

AIM: Byzantine Jones
Posts: 635 | Registered: Monday, October 15 2001 07:00
Should color-edits be pulled from the Louvre? in Blades of Avernum
Member # 164
Profile Homepage #30
It's fine to have "obvious roots" in another graphic--without those, it is hard to tell that the new graphic was meant to be the same race / species / class, etc...

Awesome BoA Graphics

AIM: Byzantine Jones
Posts: 635 | Registered: Monday, October 15 2001 07:00
Should color-edits be pulled from the Louvre? in Blades of Avernum
Member # 164
Profile Homepage #24
I think graphics must be altered enough to be able to put your own copyright on it. at least 30% of it has to be changed. If you change at least 30% of the graphic, it is then your own. Color-shifting is less than 30% because the shading and lighting are all still the same. Obviously, we can't stick to the percentage 30... but we all get the idea...

So a blue sheep wouldn't be acceptable, but a sheep with sun glasses and wings would be. :P

Awesome BoA Graphics

AIM: Byzantine Jones
Posts: 635 | Registered: Monday, October 15 2001 07:00
Should color-edits be pulled from the Louvre? in Blades of Avernum
Member # 164
Profile Homepage #20
You didn't have to tell us it was you. :P

Awesome BoA Graphics

AIM: Byzantine Jones
Posts: 635 | Registered: Monday, October 15 2001 07:00
Should color-edits be pulled from the Louvre? in Blades of Avernum
Member # 164
Profile Homepage #18
I bet the ONE person who voted "no" on the poll is the ONE person who submits 50 color-shifted graphics.

Awesome BoA Graphics

AIM: Byzantine Jones
Posts: 635 | Registered: Monday, October 15 2001 07:00
WHOSE EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????? in Blades of Avernum
Member # 164
Profile Homepage #7
I won't lose sleep over it, but I am greatly anticipating BoA.

Awesome BoA Graphics

AIM: Byzantine Jones
Posts: 635 | Registered: Monday, October 15 2001 07:00
Should color-edits be pulled from the Louvre? in Blades of Avernum
Member # 164
Profile Homepage #12
For the silent minority who want the colored versions of graphics to remain... just request it when the time comes--that is if you (for some bizarre reason) aren't able to use basic FREE programs... like GIMP. Highly recommended.

Gimp Downloads

Awesome BoA Graphics

AIM: Byzantine Jones
Posts: 635 | Registered: Monday, October 15 2001 07:00
